If your question relates specifically to the 301st Fighter Wing, please see the questions below. If you have a question which is not addressed here, you may find the answer by visiting the Questions page of Air Force Link. If you have a general military question, please refer to the DoD Frequently Asked Questions page.

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Expand List item 1080Collapse List item 1080  Air Force Bases
How can I find a list of U.S. Air Force bases, both in the U.S. and overseas? 
Expand List item 1082Collapse List item 1082  Aviation Requests (Flyovers, Static Displays, Air Shows)
How do I obtain a military aircraft for a civilian air show or community event? 
Requests for 301st Fighter Wing F-16 aircraft: 
Anyone requesting support for 301st FW F-16 participation in any event must first visit: 
for information, requesting procedures and DD Form 2535 - Request for Military Aerial Support. 
The 301st FW requires a minimum of 30 days to consider a request. Requestors are responsible for obtaining approval from Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs office (using the information above) prior to contacting us. 

Please email: 301fw.pa@us.af.mil 
with a description of the event, the time expecting the flyover (or window of opportunity), and contact information. PA can only escalate requests which have been made SAF/PA process.

 Approval by SAF/PA does not commit the 301st FW to any event. 

Requests for aircraft other than the 301st FW's F-16: 
To request an aircraft from the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps or U.S. Army, please contact the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth PA office at (817) 782-7815. Approval for any event must be coordinated through the respective branch of service headquarters via DD Form 2535. 

**It is recommended that the requestor fax a copy of the completed DD Form 2535 to all branches of service in the event that one of the military components at NAS JRB can not accommodate. The DD Form 2535 allows for the requestor to locate any other unit on another installation to provide a military aircraft for your event. 
Expand List item 1084Collapse List item 1084  Base Facilities
What facilities or services does Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth provide for military members and their families?
The base has numerous services and facilities for military members and their families. Visit their site at: https://cnrse.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NAS-JRB-Fort-Worth/
Expand List item 1085Collapse List item 1085  Care Packages for Troops
My organization has collected a lot of items to send overseas to our troops. We heard that you can have them shipped via the military, how do we do that? 
First, let us say that we greatly appreciate your support for our troops. 

While donations of food and gifts for delivery overseas can no longer be accepted by us for transportation to the troops, interested Americans might consider contributing instead to military relief societies.     

DoD has ways for Americans to show support for their servicemembers deployed overseas. The initiatives, made necessary by a moratorium on mail addressed to "Any Servicemember," provide alternatives to traditional letter-writing campaigns. DoD suggests that Americans support troops by instead supporting the communities in which they live. 

One way to show support is by doing a good deed on behalf of servicemembers. Visit a Veterans Affairs hospital or nursing home, or volunteer in the local community to help make up for servicemembers who normally would volunteer but are now deployed or otherwise too busy with their duties. Many servicemembers volunteer to coach children's teams, feed the homeless, and aid their communities in a variety of other ways. Interested Americans can show their support and honor their military by volunteering in their local communities. 

Although many towns do not have a military base nearby, military recruiters are stationed nearly everywhere. Local governments and chambers of commerce are encouraged to reach out to these local members of the military, invite them to speak at community events, and encourage members of the community to learn more about America's military. 

Members of the community who know military families might want to offer their support by reaching out to those families while their loved ones are deployed. 

Servicemembers value and appreciate expressions of support from the American people, and these and other mail programs are a significant boost to morale. However, recent mail-related attacks have resulted in additional precautions and the safety of servicemembers is paramount. The increased manpower required to ensure safe mail handling coupled with the increased volume of mail that letter-writing campaigns generate could exceed capabilities, and therefore cannot be supported at this time. 

Normal mail delivery addressed by name to individual servicemembers will continue uninterrupted. Please note that for security purposes, we can not release the names and addresses of our members currently serving overseas. 
Expand List item 1086Collapse List item 1086  Directions
Where is Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base located?
NAS JRB is located less then 10 miles west of downtown Fort Worth on U.S. Highway 183 just north of I-30.
See the base website for directions at https://cnrse.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NAS-JRB-Fort-Worth/About/Installation-Guide/Getting-Here/
1303 Pumphrey Dr,
Fort Worth, TX  76114
Expand List item 1083Collapse List item 1083  Exchange and Commissary
Does Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth have an exchange and commissary?
Yes, the base has an exchange and commissary.
Exchange website is https://www.shopmyexchange.com/company/storeDetails.jsp?storeId=1011501
Commissary website is https://www.commissaries.com/shopping/store-locations/fort-worth-nas
Expand List item 1087Collapse List item 1087  Family Assistance
Does the 301st Fighter Wing have programs to assist family members of military personnel?
The 301st FW has a full-time Airman and Family Readiness support office and can be reached at (817) 782-7435. 

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth has a Fleet and Family Support Center that aids all military branches of service. They can be reached at (817) 782-5287. Website is https://ffr.cnic.navy.mil/Family-Readiness/Fleet-And-Family-Support-Program/

There are also the: 
 --Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society which can be reached at (817) 782-6000 
 --Air Force Aid Society for Reserve which can be reached at (817) 782-7435 
--136th Airlift Wing Family Program Office (Texas Air National Guard) which can be reached at (817) 852-3558
Expand List item 1088Collapse List item 1088  Honor Guard / Color Guard
Does the 301st Fighter Wing have an Air Force honor guard?
No, the 301st FW currently does not have an Air Force Honor Guard and Color Guard details. However, the base has a joint honor guard and joint color guard details. See website at https://cnrse.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NAS-JRB-Fort-Worth/About/Installation-Guide/Personnel-Support-Detachment/Facilities-and-Resources/#color-and-honor-guard
Does the base honor guard perform military funeral honors in the local area?
Funeral honors for this area are handled by the Dyess Air Force Base Honor Guard. Please contact the 7th Bomb Wing Honor Guard (Dyess AFB). Duty phone (325)-696-2813, duty cell  (325)-660-8696
Expand List item 1089Collapse List item 1089  Hospital
Does Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base have a hospital? 
No. The base has a U.S. Navy medical/dental clinic and pharmacy. Their website is https://cnrse.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NAS-JRB-Fort-Worth/About/Installation-Guide/Personnel-Support-Detachment/Facilities-and-Resources/Health-Services/
Expand List item 1090Collapse List item 1090  ID Cards
I am a military retiree. Can I obtain an ID card at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth?
Yes. Military ID cards for all branches of service for military members, retirees and family members are done at the Visitor's Control Center, Bldg 1302. They can be reached at (817) 782-5244, (817) 782-6419 or (817) 782-3369. 
ID Card Office Online website is https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Expand List item 1091Collapse List item 1091  Keynote Speaker Requests
I am interested in having a speaker from the 301st Fighter Wing visit my civic group. Is this possible?
The 301st FW has a very active outreach program which provides speakers to civic and community organizations. Individuals interested in having a member of the 301st FW provide a special program for their civic group should fill out the form located at 301st Fighter Wing Guest Speaker Form then contact the 301st FW Public Affairs Office email at 301fw.pa@us.af.mil with the following information found on the form: 
            Event name 
            Date, time, location 
            Sponsoring organization 
            What is the expected involvement of the speaker/participants 
            Type of audience, demographics if known 
            Approximate number in audience if known, or expected 
            Contact info of requestor to include: cell phone, email address 
Expand List item 1092Collapse List item 1092  Legal Services
Does the 301st Fighter Wing provide legal services?
Legal services at the 301st FW are provided for Reserve military members assigned to the 301st FW (including other Reserve or Air National Guard members requiring assistance) by the 301st Legal Office on the primary unit training assembly weekend. Assistance may be provided during the week day on a case-by-case basis or upon legal staff availability. They can be reached at (817) 782-7620. 
Legal services for all active duty military members and retirees of the active and reserve components are provided by the Navy Legal Services Office. They can be reached at (817) 782-6007 or https://cnrse.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NAS-JRB-Fort-Worth/About/Installation-Guide/Personnel-Support-Detachment/Facilities-and-Resources/#legal-services
Expand List item 1093Collapse List item 1093  Lodging
Do you have any lodging on Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth? 
Navy Gateway Inns & Suites:
Main: (817) 769-6872

Navy Lodge Fort Worth:
Main: (817) 569-1700
Expand List item 1094Collapse List item 1094  Medical Records
I was born at the hospital at Carswell Air Force Base. How do I get my medical records? 
The individual military departments do not maintain files or records pertaining to individuals no longer on active duty. When an individual is separated from military service (because of retirement, discharge from active duty, or death) his/her Field Personnel File (containing all military and health records) is forwarded for storage to the National Personnel Records Center (Military), 9700 Page Blvd, St. Louis, MO  63172. The Records Center is under the jurisdiction of the National Archives and Records Administration of the U.S. government. Their web site is http://www.archives.gov/research_room/obtain_copies/veterans_service_records.html. 
Expand List item 1095Collapse List item 1095  Military Records
How can I obtain military records? 
The individual military departments DO NOT maintain files or records pertaining to individuals no longer on active duty. When an individual is separated from military service (because of retirement, discharge from active duty, or death) his/her Field Personnel File (containing all military and health records) is forwarded for storage to the National Personnel Records Center (Military), 9700 Page Blvd, St. Louis, MO  63172. The Records Center is under the jurisdiction of the National Archives and Records Administration of the U.S. government.
Website: https://www.archives.gov/research
 An individual's complete service record is available to the former service member or, if deceased, to his/her next of kin (parents, spouse, or children). Limited information (such as dates of service, awards, and training) is available to anyone. Not available to the general public is information which would invade an individual's privacy, such as medical records, social security number, or present address. 

The St. Louis Center receives many thousands of requests for service records each week, so please be aware that there may be a lengthy delay. The St. Louis Center will process requests with greater speed and accuracy if the requester uses a Standard Form 180, "Request Pertaining to Military Records." The form is available as a Portable Document File. If you do not have the reader software, it is available free of charge from the company which produces it, Adobe. 

Also, the National Personnel Records Center is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet access to obtain copies of documents from their military files. 

Military veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military members may now use a new online military personnel records system to request documents. Other individuals with a need for documents must still complete the Standard Form 180 that can be downloaded from the online website. 

The new web-based application was designed to provide better service on these requests by eliminating the records center's mailroom processing time. Also, because the requester will
be asked to supply all information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans for additional information will be minimized. 

Veterans and next of kin may access this application at https://vetrecs.archives.gov/VeteranRequest/home.html
If you are having trouble downloading the form, you may request one from our office by submitting a question on this system. If you want us to send you the form, please include your name and postal address. 

Standard Form 180, which contains instructions, is also available from most veterans organizations or by writing to the National Personnel Records Center. If requesting the records of a relative, a requester should mention the relationship to the former member (brother, uncle, or other). There is no charge for this service to former service members or their next of kin. For others, a nominal fee is charged for research and reproduction costs. (In this regard, files at the Records Center are maintained as historical records only and are not updated to reflect current data on the former service member.) 

1) Contrary to published accounts, the department has not published a "booklet on military records," but we hope the above information will be useful. 
2) Of incidental interest for individuals compiling family histories: National Archives and Records Administration, 700 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC  20408, (phone: (202) 501-5400) provides assistance to those interested in genealogy. NARA normally charges a nominal fee for research and reproduction costs. 
Expand List item 1096Collapse List item 1096  Morale, Welfare and Recreation
Does Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth have any Morale, Welfare and Recreation services?
Yes. See the base website at https://www.navymwrfortworth.com/ or their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/NASFWMWR
Expand List item 1097Collapse List item 1097  Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth Units
How can I get in touch with the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and the Texas Air National Guard units at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth? 
See the base website at https://cnrse.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NAS-JRB-Fort-Worth/About/Tenant-Commands/
Expand List item 1099Collapse List item 1099  Patch Requests
Where can I obtain military memorabilia such as patches, stickers, uniform items, coffee mugs, etc...?
The 301st Fighter Wing is not able to provide patches or uniform items. However, several private companies exist to meet your needs. 
Expand List item 1100Collapse List item 1100  Phone Numbers
Is there a way to find a number on base without the recorded operator?
Yes. The Installation Phone Directory website at https://cnrse.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NAS-JRB-Fort-Worth/About/Installation-Guide/Phone-Directory/
Expand List item 1101Collapse List item 1101  Space A Flights
I'm a military retiree and want to find out about Space "A" travel availability. How can I do this?
For information on Space "A" travel, visit the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth website at https://cnrse.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NAS-JRB-Fort-Worth/Operations-and-Management/Passenger-Terminal/
Expand List item 1102Collapse List item 1102  Tours
Does the 301st Fighter Wing provide tours to the public? 
All requests specifically for tours of the 301st FW aircraft and facilities must come through the wing's public affairs office. 
301st FW/PA contact info: 
Phone: (817) 782-7170 
Email: 301fw.pa@us.af.mil 

For groups wishing to visit the 301st FW, please visit 301st Fighter Wing Community Relations Public Tours Request and fill out the form to submit your request via email with the following information via tour form (https://301fw.usaf.afpims.mil/Portals/113/Documents/Community%20Engagement/210210%20-%20Tour%20Forms%20update.pdf?ver=ZWuJ75PythZ2LOA6LwtzxA%3d%3d×tamp=1630420573695) process: 

Name of the group 
Number in group (limit 25 per group) 
Range of ages (tours not open to children under age 12) 
What the group would like to see 
Why the group wants to visit the 301st FW
Means of transportation arriving to base
Name, email and phone number of requestor 
Primary and alternate date and time you wish to visit  

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth tours: 
All requests for base tours, which include the 301st FW as part of the itinerary, must be coordinated through the NAS JRB PA office at (817) 782-7815. These tours are conducted by reservation only on Thursdays during the months of April through October only. There are no weekend tours. Tours are normally two-three hours beginning at 9 a.m. 

Civic leader tours: 
 All U.S. Air Force and Air Force Reserve Command civic leader tour requests must be coordinated through the 301st FW/PA. Other services' civic leader tours should be coordinated through the NAS JRB's PA office at (817) 782-7815. 

Expand List item 1103Collapse List item 1103  Tricare / Medical Facility
Is there a Tricare representative on Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth?
There are no Tricare representatives on base. See the Tricare website for Tricare at https://www.tricare.mil/
Expand List item 1104Collapse List item 1104  World Wide Locator
I am interested in getting in contact with a buddy I used to be stationed with in the U.S. Air Force. Can you help? 
Individuals who are trying to contact current or former members of the Air Force are encouraged to contact the Worldwide Locator service located at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The telephone number to the Worldwide Locator is (210) 565-2479. 

Worldwide Locator website is https://www.afpc.af.mil/Support/Worldwide-Locator/