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  • 301 FW kicks off SAPR Month

    April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM), a time to raise awareness and prevention to put an end to sexual violence in military and civilian communities. Our goal is to create a safer culture and to achieve this, we have organized a range of events and activities throughout

  • Keep mobile devices cyber safe

    Did you know that cybercriminals and hackers are always thinking up clever new ways to exploit your devices? Cybercrime damages are forecast to cost $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, and there were 153 million malware examples from March 2021 to February 2022[i]. In this article, we'll share some of

  • Staying cyber safe over Memorial Day weekend

    Officially, Memorial Day in the United States is the day we set aside to remember and honor those members of the Armed Forces who have fallen in battle defending our liberty. Unofficially, though, many people see this weekend as the start of the summer travel season, and will be hitting the beach to


    About six months ago, I had the honor of representing our nation at the annual NATO days in the Czech Republic. The primary focus of my visit was to continue to strengthen military-to‑military relationships across the alliance. Foremost in the minds of our allies was increasing Russian aggression. I