Increases to TRICARE pharmacy copayments

  • Published
  • By Air Force Medical Service

On Feb. 1, 2018, copayments for prescription drugs at TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery and retail pharmacies will increase. These changes are required by law and affect TRICARE beneficiaries who are not active duty service members.

While retail pharmacy and home delivery copayments will increase, prescriptions filled at military pharmacies remain available at no cost. You can save the most money by filling your prescriptions at military pharmacies.

“Military pharmacies and TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery will remain the lowest cost pharmacy option for TRICARE beneficiaries at Joint Base MDL,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Michael Foutch, 87th Medical Group commander.

Using home delivery, the copayments for a 90-day supply of generic formulary drugs will increase from $0 to $7. For brand-name formulary drugs, copayments will increase from $20 to $24, and copayments for non-formulary drugs without a medical necessity will increase from $49 to $53.

At a retail network pharmacy, copayments for a 30-day supply of generic formulary drugs will increase from $10 to $11 and from $24 to $28 for brand-name formulary drugs.

In some cases, survivors of active duty service members may be eligible for lower cost-sharing amounts.

TRICARE groups pharmacy drugs into three categories: generic formulary, brand name formulary and non-formulary. Service members and their families pay the least for generic formulary drugs and the most for non-formulary drugs, regardless of whether they get them from home delivery or a retail pharmacy.

“Service members receiving prescriptions at the 87th Medical Group will be largely unaffected by the changes to TRICARE copay,” said Foutch. “Our team remains committed to providing the highest quality medical support for the JB MDL community at the lowest cost to patients.”