Spotlight: Staff Sgt. Brittany Breen

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Jeremy Roman, 301st Fighter Wing
  • 301st Fighter Wing Public Affairs

This edition of Spotlight features Staff Sgt. Brittany Breen, a 301st Judge Advocate Adverse Action Paralegal. She's been with the wing for over five years and shares why she joined the military as well as some of her career goals.


Q: What did you want to do as a kid?

A:  As a younger kid, I wanted to be a doctor, specifically an anesthesiologist.  That was the dream for a long time until I did a little research and the lawsuit rate really put me off. 


Q: Why did you join the military?

A:  Honestly, I went to my cousin's graduation from the Marines in May 2013 and I loved the atmosphere and his new demeanor.  I wanted that too.  Plus I look up to him, so I wanted to follow in his footsteps.  I grew up with a Navy stepdad, but it wasn't really anything I thought about until my cousin graduated.  I enlisted less than two months later.


Q: What is your favorite part of the job?

A:  This is a tough question. I would have to say it’s definitely the people that I've come across … not just at the 301st but also from technical training school and seasoning training.  I still call fellow paralegals (or get calls) saying, "Hey!  I need to pick your brain."  I'm often introduced as everyone's "go-to" person.  A lot of answers are "Ask SSgt Breen" which I think is an awesome compliment.  Another favorite is articulating the message that commanders are trying to convey.  Those are always fun days.


Q: What are your career goals?

A:  I'm undecided between a detective and a forensic scientist.  The classes I'm currently taking will eventually help me decide which is more my speed.


Q: What are your hobbies?

A:  Baking!  And it's fall … so I can make all the pumpkin chocolate chip things in the world!  (I liked pumpkin before it was cool!)  I also got a Cricut [crafts cutting machine] recently, so I've enjoyed making home crafts.


Q: What is something people might not know about you?

A:  When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a firefighter/paramedic, so I enrolled in night school while in high school for my EMT-Basic to get a jump start on that.  I was also a 'junior firefighter' at 16 learning the ropes of a fire department.  Unfortunately, I was later told that I couldn't get a job with any ambulance until I was 21, so that fell through the cracks.