Spotlight: Master Sgt. Josh Woods

  • Published
  • 301st Fighter Wing Public Affairs

Master Sgt. Josh Woods, the 301st Fighter Wing public affairs chief of media operations, shares why he joined the military, memories he will cherish as he retires, and his career goals during an interview for a Spotlight feature Jan. 11, 2019. The Spotlight series gives a behind-the-scenes look at the men and women who are the driving force of the 301st Fighter Wing.

Q: How long have you been with the 301st?

A: I’ve been here for seven years. Prior to that, I was with 10th Air Force for ten years.

Q: What did you want to do as a kid?

A: Become a part of the elite group that protected our national interests around the world...G.I. Joe: The Real American Hero...Go Joe! Then again I also wanted to be a Ghostbuster.

Q: Why did you join the military?

A: With the help of my father, a retired AC-130 maintainer, and my immaturity during my first year of college, I joined the military. We felt this would be the best course of action to get me back on track. Of course, twenty years later, I'm grateful for that push that provided me with so much more than I imagined at the time.

Q: With retirement on the horizon, what memories come to mind as you reflect on your career?

A:  The people and opportunities. I'll never forget all the people who guided me along the way to become a better airman and wingman. Whether they were in leadership roles or young airmen out of tech school, they all helped me by providing insight and direction on being a better senior non-commissioned officer. I was lucky enough to have so many experiences in my career, ranging from deployments, temporary duty assignments, and creative opportunities via graphic design.

Q: What is your favorite part of the job?

A:  Having the ability to express my creativity through photography, writing, and graphics… and having fun while doing it.

Q: What are your career goals?

A: Even though this part of my career is coming to an end, my creativity won’t stop here. I have aspirations to continue providing expressive and creative ways to improve my clients businesses through marketing and design.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A:  Photography, sports, and family time.

Q: What is something people might not know about you?

A:  I'm secretly from the world Zartha avoiding Agent K. Honestly, I've always lived my life as an open book.