Holiday Season

  • Published
  • By Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein, and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth Wright

To the Airmen of the United States Air Force:


As we approach the holidays, we thank you and your families for your roles in defending our Nation, from right here at home to everywhere around the globe.  To those deployed this holiday season, you are at the forefront of our thoughts.  Thank you for standing the watch.

Always remember to be available to your fellow Airmen in need, to foster inclusiveness and resiliency among the team, and to take care of each other.  This is our daily imperative, as every Airman across the Total Force is critical to our mission.

Unwavering commitment to your safety is our priority.  Please take a moment to review the attached Holiday Safety Message before you begin any off-duty activities. 

On behalf of all Americans, thank you for securing our Nation.  Enjoy the holidays and let’s transition safely into the New Year.  We are proud to serve with you!




Barbara Barrett                                                        David L. Goldfein

Secretary of the Air Force                                       General, USAF

                                                                                 Chief of Staff





   Kaleth O. Wright

   Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force