Command issues guidance regarding deployments, exercises for AGRs

  • Published
  • By Bo Joyner

Air Force Reserve senior leaders have clarified guidance for Reserve Citizen Airmen filling an Active Guard Reserve billet tasked to deploy or participate in a military exercise.

There are three categories of AGR Reservists – headquarters, recruiters and unit. Each category of AGR is called into federal active-duty status under Title 10 of the U.S. Code.

With Air Reserve Technician-to-AGR conversions occurring in Reserve wings, there are many more Reserve Airmen occupying unit-level positions as unit AGRs who are expected to be tasked for combatant commander requirements.

Unit AGRs provide full-time support to Reserve organizations, similar to the unit-level ARTs, for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing or training Reservists. Their duties may include being part of a Unit Tasking Code tasking, meaning they are expected to deploy in support of a combatant commander requirement. In that event, unit AGRs may, from time to time, be tasked to deploy or participate in a military exercise. Headquarters AGRs and recruiters typically are not encumbering a position that may be expected to deploy, but they can volunteer for deployment.

Reserve Airmen in AGR billets have deployed and participated in exercises for more than a decade.

“There has been some confusion in the past about the status of AGRs when they either deploy or participate in exercises and who should pay for the AGR’s participation,” said Brig. Gen. Stacey Scarisbrick, commander of AFRC’s Force Generation Center.

Reserve senior leaders expect the following guidance will clarify the AGR deployment/exercise process.

AGR Deployments

“We deploy members who are serving in AGR billets after repurposing them.” Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, chief of the Air Force Reserve and commander of Air Force Reserve Command, said in a recent memo to senior leaders.

Airmen serving in AGR billets who go on to deploy will have their initial order which called them to active duty amended to include a repurposing statement for the time they are deployed. The FGC, AFRC’s Manpower, Personnel and Services Directorate (A1), Air Reserve Personnel Center and Financial Management Directorate are all involved with ensuring the amended AGR order reflects the time an AGR is repurposed.

Members occupying an AGR billet who are called to support a validated combatant commander requirement, including missions like cyber, remotely piloted aircraft or space, which is supported by a contingency, exercise deployment (CED) order, regardless of location, will have their AGR orders amended.

This change repurposes the order from “organize, administer, recruit, instruct and train” to a call to active duty in support of the named contingency operation or other validated requirement.

“The deployment process remains the same despite personnel status. Combatant commander requirements are paired with our Reservists during the mobilization process in order to meet mission requirements” Scarisbrick said.

“This amendment ensures there is not a break in the AGR order to avoid disruptions to the member’s pay and entitlements,” Scobee said. “Finally, it serves as the source document for the active-duty Air Force to track funding of these operational requirements for audit purposes.”

AGR Exercise Participation

“We have received several questions as to whether AGR exercise participation follows the same guidance as outlined for AGR deployments,” said Brig. Gen. Anne Gunter, director of personnel for Headquarters Air Force Reserve. “It does not.”

When the active-duty Air Force requests AGRs to support an exercise, active-duty Air Force appropriations may be used to cover the travel and per diem costs of participation.

“Therefore, while performing this duty, they will remain on their current AGR order,” Gunter said. “AGR order amendment is not required since the exercise participation does not rise to the level where it will interfere with their primary ‘organize, administer, recruit, instruct and train’ responsibilities. As such, their military pay will continue to be funded by the Air Force Reserve. However, the active-duty Air Force may pay for operations and maintenance, travel and per diem costs for exercises hosted by the active-duty.”

This policy aligns with the guidance in Air Force Manual 65-605, Vol. 1, which provides guidance for sourcing appropriations for Air Reserve component activities.
“The FGC Security Cooperation and Exercise Division will ensure our AGRs and all Reserve personnel execute exercises in the appropriate status in line with the overall goal of the right units receiving the right training at the right time,” Scarisbrick said.

For all other statuses – traditional Reservist, individual mobilization augmentee and ART – deployment/exercise orders and requirements have not changed.

Reserve Citizen Airmen with questions should contact their Installation Personnel Readiness office or the AFRC/A1RR work flow at

Phone: (817) 782-7170 Org Box Email: