VCSAF’s challenge invites Reserve Citizen Airmen to submit ideas

  • Published
  • By Mr. Tyler Grimes
  • Air Force Reserve Command

What’s your idea to save Airmen time?

Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Stephen Wilson initiated a challenge to Airmen, including Reservists, to come up with and submit their ideas on how Airmen can improve processes, save time and complete the Air Force mission more effectively.

Wilson’s challenge is part of the Air Force’s Airmen Powered by Innovation program. The program allows Airmen to submit their innovative ideas via a secure website.

Donna Watson, Air Force Reserve Command’s Continuous Process Improvement and Lessons Learned division chief, said Reservists are unique in that they have experience outside of the Air Force they can use to help make improvements.

“The traditional Reservist has a unique prismatic view from the Reserve triad: family, civilian employer and Air Force career,” Watson said. “Consequently, Reservists can cross-pollinate great ideas from their work experiences outside of federal service to bring a fresh and new perspective to the Air Force environment.”

In addition to submitting brand new ideas to save time, the VCSAF’s challenge invites Airmen to submit ideas to improve various programs and processes already being assessed, such as the Exceptional Family Member Program, permanent change of station moves, data analytics, fleet maintenance, supply chain performance, evaluations and decorations, and repair capacity.

“Innovation is not a solo endeavor,” Watson said. “The best ideas are derived from a combination of ideas when groups of individuals of diverse backgrounds and deep expertise collaborate to add bits and pieces of knowledge to the mix, until a great, new and novel idea emerges.”

The VCSAF’s challenge ends August 7. Airmen can submit their ideas for the challenge here. It is recommended that those submitting ideas use Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers to access the site.

For more information about the Airmen Powered by Innovation program, visit this site.

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