Dress & Appearance Changes for Air and Space Force members

  • Published
  • By Capt. Jessica Whitney
  • 301st Fighter Wing Equal Opportunity

As part of the ongoing effort to build a more inclusive Air and Space Force, additional revisions were approved September 15 to Air Force Instruction 36-2903, “Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel,” which are effective immediately.

Following the Department of the Air Force’s initial review, a diverse panel of Total Force Airmen completed a second review of Air Force grooming and appearance guidance in order to enhance inclusiveness while maintaining Department of the Air Force professional standards.

The changes are as follows:

• Clarification that the authorization to dye hair to natural colors applies to all Airmen regardless of natural born hair color. Examples of natural hair colors are brown, blonde, brunette, natural red, black or grey.

• Men’s hair bulk standard was increased from 1¼ inches to 2 inches.

• Men’s hair may have one (cut, clipped or shaved) front to back, straight-line part, not slanted or curved, on either side of their head, above the temple. Part will not exceed 4 inches length or ¼ inch width.

• Women’s hair bulk standard was increased from 3½ inches to 4 inches.