U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION JOINT RESERVE BASE FORT WORTH, Texas -- Team, tomorrow’s election has the potential to spark violent protests, some of which could place members of the military in dangerous situations. Please be aware of your surroundings and be prepared to remove yourself from situations that could potentially escalate. Remember, you have a right to participate in peaceful demonstrations when off-duty and out of uniform. However, make sure you have an exit plan in the event they become violent. Remember, anything the government issued to you is for official military use only, and may not be taken to demonstrations.
For those of you who still plan to vote, I strongly recommend doing so in civilian clothing as a force protection measure.
Based on the unrest that could follow the election, regardless of outcome, I highly recommend wearing civilian clothing to and from the base, and any time you are off base for the next week, through Veterans Day. Also, I recommend securing any gear in a manner that keeps it from plain sight. I ask all leadership to allow Airmen flexibility as they may need to change into uniforms upon arrival at work locations. Depending on the environment over the next several days, I reserve the right to mandate when uniforms will or will not be worn.
As always, please conduct yourselves in a manner befitting someone who has pledged to support and defend the Constitution. Regardless of your political views, please do not let your emotions override your judgement. It is possible to be an active political and social participant without breaking the law, fomenting hate, or infringing upon the rights of others.
Thank you for all you do. Be safe!