Mavs honor military members

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman William Downs
  • 301 Fighter Wing Public Affairs

Since 2006, the NBA has celebrated Veterans Day by partnering with the DoD to host the Hoops for Troops “Commitment to Service” volunteerism initiative. In lieu of an organized event where the community and military personnel would typically join together to build meals for local food shelters, this years event looked a bit different. The Dallas Mavericks, instead, donated swag to 301st Fighter Wing Airmen on November 10, 2020 at the installation’s Visitor Control Center. 301 FW Mission Support Group Commander, Colonel Gregg Russell, and 301 FW Maintenance Squadron Commander, Major Jennifer Trahan distributed the donated items, including Mavs branded masks, headbands, hats, towels and hand sanitizer.


“We are fortunate that we have such a loving and thoughtful community that cares so much about its military personnel, and takes the time to think about us, especially during these times when there are many in need and a lot of things are going on around the world that have caused stress in Airman's lives,” Trahan said. “It makes me very happy to know we have organizations out there who care enough about our airmen and what we do for this country to show a little bit of support.”


The swag was well received by the Airmen, and the gratitude expressed by Trahan was felt across the wing.