301 FW announces Non-Extended Active Duty Airmen Commissioning Program selections

  • Published
  • By Jeremy Roman
  • 301st Fighter Wing public affairs


Last month, we held a board for the Non-Extended Active Duty Airmen Commissioning Program (Non-EAD ACP). We had many candidates who had outstanding records which made the selection process very challenging! It is with distinct pleasure I can announce six deserving Airmen who will be given the opportunity to become the Air Force Reserve Command’s newest lieutenants:


Master Sgt. Amanda Hampton

Tech Sgt. Aaron Albright

Tech Sgt. Jay Mulford

Tech Sgt. Enoch Cronk

Staff Sgt. Garee Gregory

Staff Sgt. Joshua Ballard


All the candidates exemplified the best AFRC has to offer. Thank you for your dedication, professionalism, and effort!




Vice Commander, 301st Fighter Wing