CCAF announces change to requesting unofficial/official transcripts

  • Published
  • By Evelyn S Slaughter
  • Community College of the Air Force
  Community College of the Air Force is proud to announce there is a new and easier way for both former and current students to view and print unofficial CCAF transcripts or request official CCAF transcripts. This is NOT a major change from the way things operated before. The process itself is virtually identical to what it was previously. All existing functionality is retained except now students will also be able to view and print their own unofficial transcript on-demand.

First off, an individual will still go through either Air Force Virtual Education Center (through the AF Portal) or the CCAF public site ( to gain access to their unofficial CCAF transcript or to request their official CCAF transcript.

After clicking on the link(s) to request a CCAF transcript (links displayed as: "CCAF Request Transcript" on AFVEC and; "CCAF Transcripts", followed by "Order Transcripts Online", on the CCAF public site), the CCAF Online Transcript Request homepage will be displayed. From the homepage, an individual will be able to view/print their unofficial CCAF transcript and/or request their official CCAF transcript.

To view/print an unofficial CCAF transcript or request an official CCAF transcript, please follow these instructions from the CCAF Online Transcript.

Request homepage:

1) Completely fill out the entry fields for SSAN, Last Name, First Name, and Date of Birth.

2) Once entry fields are correctly filled out, click "Sign In" button.

3) Once new page opens after clicking "Sign In" button, please choose between the following options before clicking on its appropriate link:
a. View/Print Online Personal Unofficial Transcript
b. Request Official Mailed Transcript
c. View Transcript Request History
NOTE: Unofficial transcripts are marked "UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT ISSUED TO STUDENTS ONLINE" and are not accepted by any educational institution. These transcripts are meant for personal use or for any school or business accepting CCAF information in an unofficial capacity. The information reflected for this transcript is similar to an official copy, but the information is readily available electronically to the requester. Furthermore, requesters will have to print unofficial transcripts themselves. CCAF WILL NO LONGER print out and mail out unofficial transcripts.

Note: Official transcripts are marked "ISSUED AS OFFICIAL" and are sent directly to education institutions for evaluation of transfer credit or sent directly to other agencies (example: employment, legal) requiring an official transcript.