The resilient wingman

  • Published
  • By Chaplain (Maj) Mark McDaniel
  • 301 FW Chaplain
Force protection, maintenance, readiness and redundancy are concepts we military members are very familiar with. Our Wing spends hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to ensure prosecution of any mission that it is tasked to do. While we do a great job of taking care of our equipment, facilities and aircraft, attention to self-care can be lacking.
Regardless of many perspectives, personnel and supportive family and friends are key to successful implementation of the wing's mission.
Resiliency is an essential component to individual and corporate wellness. It fuels successful mission implementation. This little-discussed characteristic allows for the Air Force member to bounce back from stress which could debilitate or hamper individuals in completion of their duties.
Gaining skills and competency in resilience is critical. In the near future, the 301st Fighter Wing will begin offering classes providing such education and training. These classes will deal with definitions of traumatic and combat-related stress responses as well as education on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
There will also be discussion of Air Force Reserve Command-unique stressors, risk and resilience factors, combat operational stress, mental and emotional reactions to stress, individual resiliency characteristics, coping skills and danger signs.
While these classes are instrumental for individual wellness, a more important factor should be considered. Each individual in this wing has a singular responsibility to watch out for their co-worker, or wingman.
Understanding stressors and reactions can help encourage those members in our wing who remain silent and resistant to help.
The United States military is famous for its mantra, "We will leave no one behind!" Tragically, many are left behind emotionally.
Let us all take that one step further and apply it to the emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of each person.
Building this unit's resilience will be a challenge to implement. Each person must take those skills learned and begin applying it to their own lives. The 301st Fighter Wing has never shied away from a challenge, so I am optimistic for our future.
Throughout this year, I will be delving much deeper into the topic of resiliency. I want you to know that I am in prayer for you and your families.
As of now I am on orders through the end of the calendar year. If you need any help or know of anyone struggling, please contact me at 817-782-7980.
And remember that you have a friend at the Chaplain's Office.
Public Affairs (817) 782-5000