You can count on me cause I'm your Wingman

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Robert Lumby
  • 301st Civil Engineer Squadron
You can count on me, even when it's not convenient ... can I count on you? Do you know why I ask? It's because I'm your wingman. I have your back. Even when I've worked 16 hours and I finally get a few hours sleep in a rickety bunk-bed in the desert ... even when I have no idea how to help you. I'll figure out how to help you, or find someone who can.

If you're bleeding, I'll draw on my training to make it stop. If you've had too much to drink, I'm going to take your keys and help get you home safely. Since I work so closely with you, I'm going to make a point to notice if you're depressed, hurting or scared ... and I'm going to ask you about it. I'm not going to ignore those signs of distress, because I'm your wingman.

No matter if its day or night, if you need help, I will help you. Even if you aren't able to ask for my help, I'll be there for you. I'm your wingman.

I cannot stress how important a wingman is, especially when you're deployed. Things happen without warning, unexpected things, gross things, depressing things happen, and they usually happen in the dead of night. But consider this ... when your wingman needs you ... they need you to step up and be there.

The way you react has a great impact on that Airman's ability to perform the assigned mission.

Is that sobering enough? Need more? Okay then, the way you react may affect that Airman mentally and physically for the rest of their life. That's a lot of responsibility -- it rests squarely on your shoulders.

It's that important. So, train the way you fight. Be a wingman during the Unit Training Assemblies and annual tours. Practice being a wingman now so you can be a great wingman later. Notice their moods, attitudes and personality changes, notice intoxication levels, notice your wingman -- act!

You can count on me, even when it's not convenient ... can I count on you? You know why I ask? Because I'm your wingman.