
Improving mission, lives key to our success

NAVAL AIR STATION JOINT RESERVE BASE FORT WORTH, Texas -- Hello fellow Airmen. It has been 90 days since I took command of the 301st Fighter Wing. One of my goals has been to visit each unit and each member of the 301st FW. Another goal was to talk with each group commander, medical squadron commanders and senior supervisors, to learn what we can do to make the 301st better. 

Overall, I feel the wing is in good condition; lots of awards, strong OPR's and EPR's, high percentage of promotions, and good safety awareness. I also noticed lots of compassion and I like that! I did notice some of our facilities need improvements and equipment needs updating. I have already taken steps to make this happen. 

As you know Aerospace Expeditionary Force 7/8 is approaching...May '07. In preparation for the AEF, the wing performed a Phase I exercise in September. Everyone did a great job treating this exercise seriously! Your logistics readiness squadron office captured "lessons learned" for us to improve upon before we depart. 

For now, you need to prepare your family by updating wills and powers of attorney. Also, take a look at the calendar through August '07 to see what special days or occasions you will miss. Make plans for those special days before you deploy! You will feel much better when you look back! 

The last thing I would like to share with you is where I think the United States military is heading. I recently returned from the Joint Force Reserve Orientation Course (JFROC) in Norfolk, Va. The purpose of the course was to develop operational and strategic awareness of the joint service environment. 

Because of dwindling DoD dollars and increased ops tempo, joint service operations using both active and reserve assets are becoming a requirement. Working side by side with our sister services and coalition partners will continue to become more prevalent. I expect Joint Professional Military Education and joint tours will someday become a requirement in order to be promoted to more senior ranks. I will keep you informed! 

Here's a little known fact; only three percent of U.S. civilian employers have reservists working for them ...which means 97 percent of our U.S. civilians need to be educated on what we do! Let's get out and spread the word!