Preparing for annual fitness should be routine, not torture Published Sept. 5, 2006 By Master Sgt. Lois Fontenot 610th Regional Support Group NAVAL AIR STATION JOINT RESERVE BASE FORT WORTH, Texas -- Physical fitness is very crucial to our success, units and to the Air Force Reserve. We live in a much different world today. Events have caused the Air Force to deploy to all regions of the world with many different conditions. Some of you have been deployed to those regions and know the importance of being in shape. Many of us no longer have washboard abs, large biceps and lean muscular legs that were considered "the Air Force's finest." So the "more mature" have to work harder and the younger Airmen have to get motivated, so stop being a couch potato! We should all know the requirements. But if you need a refresher, the test consists of: a one-and-a-half mile timed run, sets of one-minute timed push-ups and sit-ups, and body composition (waist measurement). Points are awarded in these four areas. See your First Sergeant or physical fitness monitor if you are unclear on the point system and your requirements. During testing, you should pace yourselves for the best possible score. Know in advance what is required for a passing score. Not all of us can obtain excellent scores, but we should all aim for rating in the good range. We should encourage our comrades who struggle to complete these requirements; don't let them get discouraged -- push them! It's amazing what a little team spirit and support will do. The physical fitness program has become imbedded in our Air Force lives; you can't participate without it, can't participate in your Professional Military Education, or get promoted without it. That's the bottom line. So Airman, tell me ... are you ready for your fitness test?