I want to first thank our Fighter Wing family for another amazing year. Once again, you crushed all of the tasks placed before you, exceeded expectations, and continue to make the 301st a flagship program across the enterprise. You have certainly earned some down time to spend with your family, friends, and recharge your batteries for the coming year.
One of the things we need to continue focusing on in 2020 is connectedness. When you look at the Comprehensive Airman Fitness domains--Mental, Physical, Spiritual, and Social--resiliency is the balance between them all, and connectedness is a large piece of that. There are a lot of great examples in our Groups where members are actively connected and engaged inside and outside of work. The Resiliency Tactical Pause we took seems to be a resounding success, but is not just another checkbox we are going to do once a year. I challenge each of you to look for ways to be inclusive, get connected, and continue to build strong relationships on and off duty all year long. We all need to create more connections to build a climate that fosters unit cohesion, bolsters trust, strengthens morale, increases retain ability, and reduces stress.
"Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship." —BrenĂ© Brown, professor of social work at the University of Houston
Look out for one another. This is traditionally a happy time of year, but can also be stressful to others for a number of reasons. If you or someone you know needs support, please ask. It’s okay to ask for assistance! We have many resources available, but have to know there is a need. The Chaplains office, Mary Arnold, Mental Health, Airman and Family Readiness, OneSource, Red Cross, and the Veterans Crisis line are all available 24/7 too.
Have a great holiday season! Be safe, be smart, and be a good wingman. I look forward to serving with each of you in the New Year.