I trust you enjoyed the holidays, some down time, and are ready to tackle the opportunities 2020 has in store. There are a lot of things on the horizon and some exciting challenges and changes coming.
As we open a new year and a new decade, we sometimes look back at what happened during the prior year, scrutinizing decisions made and paths chosen. We also need to look forward, focusing on what's ahead. Every moment is a fresh beginning, a new opportunity to excel, and put yourself in a better position than before. I want us to continue advancing resiliency as a way of life, a tool to help us navigate the rough waters we occasionally find ourselves in, and demonstrate an ability to bend but not break. Leaders need resilience to remain effective.
Resilience has taken on many meanings throughout history, but sociologists who study stress and resilience say it’s helpful to think of it as an emotional muscle that can be strengthened at any time. Building resiliency is not a one-size-fits-all destination, but a unique journey based on personal identity and development goals. Here are a few ways to develop/refine your resiliency tools in the new year:
* Develop an internal locus [or position] of control. Believe that you-rather than life circumstances-impacts your successes and failures. In fact, a more internal locus of control is tied to perceiving less stress, develops a stronger psychological well-being, and improves work performance.
* Live an intentional life. Our daily taskings and priorities can eclipse living an intentional life. Living with intention takes us away from occupying a static or reactionary existence. It allows us to decide what we want and need and helps us form a direction for how to get there on purpose, WITH a purpose. It’s a step beyond setting goals, it's the action of working towards them. Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new intentional direction.
* Have fun. There are times we all get frustrated, feel like we are just spinning our wheels, or are not seeing the incremental changes that positively affect our mindset. Taking a step back to enjoy the journey, having a physical challenge in the work center—like most pushups in a minute—or a daily dose of the Foncho Clause** can add the needed levity to push through. Work isn’t always ‘fun,’ but you can always make it more enjoyable by adding a dose of entertainment.
Good luck in 2020. I'm always proud and humbled to serve as your Command Chief and thank you for your dedication and professionalism. Let’s get after it!
“For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.” - T.S. Eliot
**The Foncho Clause: It’s a two part clause of the Fish and Poncho clauses. The Fish clause states a poor story told well is better than a good story told poorly. The Poncho clause states… don’t take all freakin’ night!