Don’t Jeopardize your Security Clearance Eligibility--Guideline F: Financial Considerations

  • Published
  • By 301st Fighter Wing Information Protection Office

The Covid-19 pandemic has placed many Americans in unprecedented personal and financial situations. Difficult situations impact everyone differently, but for service members, these situations could adversely affect your national security clearance eligibility and your career— think about the continuous evaluation process.

What is Continuous Evaluation?   

Continuous Evaluation (CE) is a personnel security investigative process to review the background of individuals who have been determined eligible for access to classified information or to hold a sensitive positi­­on. The CE process searches numerous commercial and government databases, in addition to other information lawfully available to security professionals.

Adjudicative Guideline F

Recently unplanned lockdowns, closures and illness has impacted the U.S. as a whole.  This can cause financial hardship which adjudicative Guideline F: Financial Considerations governs. This guideline ensures that you can live within your means, satisfy debts, and meet financial obligations. With that, there are specific conditions that may raise a security concern. Many recognize financial distress as irresponsible spending, histories of failing to meet financial obligations, and concealing gambling losses, but during this pandemic it is important to remember that an inability; or unwillingness to satisfy debts regardless of the ability to do so, is also considered a security concern according to the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines.


It is paramount that you disclose what may be deemed a security concern by self-reporting to your commander, supervisor, first sergeant or your security assistant. By self-reporting, you show you accept your financial shortfall and emphasis reliability, trustworthiness, and ability to protect classified and sensitive information.  While self-reporting is not a guarantee you will keep your clearance it shows an act of good faith to the adjudicators. 

Please contact your unit security assistant or the 301 FW Information Protection office for questions or concerns.