Afghanistan: Let's Talk About It

  • Published
  • By Ms. Mary Arnold, LCSW
  • 301st Fighter Wing

Please be on the lookout for red flags; the news may lead to changes in behavior.  Changes may include, but are not limited to, isolation, anger outbursts, increased alcohol use, or sleep difficulty.  Please reach out for support if you notice yourself or a Wingman struggling with these reactions.

Your DPH and Chaplain teams are available to support you throughout this difficult time.

I am located in the Airman Resource Center (ARC).  You may reach me on my duty cell phone at 682-888-6340 or email at

The Chaplains are available at the chapel or on their duty cell phone at 682-265-0358.

Our local Vet Center is a good resource for readjustment counseling and group support:

6620 Hawk Creek Ave, Westworth Village, TX 76114,  817-921-9095

The Veteran’s Crisis Line is available 24/7 at 1-800-273-8255 *1

Wounded Warrior Project resource center 1-888-997-2586

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America website

Military OneSource 800-342-9647

And there are even more resources from the VA below.

This is a difficult time in our world.  Please look out for each other and take care of yourself.  And thank you for all you do!


Mary Arnold, LCSW

Director of Psychological Health, 301st FW