Connectedness and resilience…

  • Published
  • By Maria Robinson, Military & Family Life Counselor

Positive relationships engender happiness, love and confidence, which in turn cultivates resilience. Romantic love often comes to mind when we mention the importance of connectedness, but psychologist Barbara Fredrickson encourages moments of warmth and connection in a passing greeting or even with a pet. Some physicians consider loneliness one of the six major cardiac risk factors—as dangerous as smoking and inactivity.

Connectedness helps us grow in our ability to bounce back.

Compiled from, Gazelle, G., 2020, Everyday Resilience, Rockridge Press. Brought to you by MFLC Maria Robinson, 24th Fighter Squadron and 301 Fighter Wing, 682-300-0677


Maria Robinson, LPC, MFLC

24th Fighter Squadron

301st Fighter Wing

Naval Air Station Joint Base FTW

Fort Worth, TX

Duty Cell: 682-300-0677