Self Care

  • Published
  • By Maria Robinson, Military & Family Life Counselor
  • 301st Fighter Wing


Life is hard. But you’ve made it through every time. Continue!

Self-care is subjective, that is to say what works for one person may or may not work for another. What is self-care? It is practicing common coping or stress relief techniques. The goal is to maintain our balance, our wellness: spirit, soul and body. A healthy life involves the continuous practice of self-care.

On the other hand: Neglecting our personal needs can cause a decrease in wellness, self-love, sleep, relationship satisfaction, empathy and compassion. Its neglect may also cause an increase in anxiety, distractibility, anger and fatigue. 

Having made the case for its importance; the following is a list of possible self-care practices:

Physical Strategies: dancing, hockey, ice skating, softball, walking, jogging, swimming, proper sleep, eating a healthy diet and or other healthy activities as you discover them.

Relational Strategies: share your feelings with trustworthy friends, spending time doing outside activities with a friend, spending time with a pet, practicing spirituality, cooking and sharing meals, learning to set proper boundaries with others, etc.

Intellectual and other strategies: reading something you enjoy, learning something new, writing, creating art, learning to play an instrument, teaching a class, etc.

It is alright to discover a Re-creation strategy that works for you and to practice it for the sake of your personal health.

Compiled in part from Ph.D. Shainna All. Brought to you by MFLC Maria Robinson, 24th Fighter Squadron and 301st Fighter Wing, 682-300-0677.


Maria Robinson, LPC, MFLC

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base

24th Fighter Squadron

301st Fighter Wing

Fort Worth, TX 76127

Duty Cell: 682-300-0677