301st Fighter Wing members particpate in running clinic Published Dec. 3, 2010 By SSgt. Chris Bolen 301st Fighter Wing Public Affairs NAS FORT WORTH JRB -- The aerobic run is a key part of an airman's score on the Air Force fitness test. This makes it important for airmen to know the best and most efficient way to run. To get a better understanding of running techniques, a group of approximately 30 airmen from the 301st Fighter Wing attended a running clinic held on base Sunday, November 7. The clinic was conducted by Alison Miller of the Texas Health Care, Bone and Joint Clinic in Fort Worth, along with her husband Brian. Both Alison and Brian regularly run marathons and provided a great deal of useful information. Several key factors they noted are: running form, a training plan, realistic goals, regular schedule, diet, rest and using the proper equipment maintained in good condition. Preparation is extremely important along with using a smart plan of action notes Alison. "If you just jump into it (a running routine) without preparation and build up, you will get injured," she continued. When scheduling your run activities the Millers recommend using the 10% rule. "Only increase your run length by 10% a week. Increase activity gradually over each week building up through each week and then having a rest period," emphasizes Alison. "However, rest does not mean doing nothing. You cut back and perform moderate exercise," said Brian. For those looking to increase their current run times Alison says, "Running only a mile and a half all the time isn't going to improve your time." She explained, "you have to run beyond that limit." Motivation is not a problem for 301st FW airmen. However Brian suggests a good way to stay motivated is to have a running partner or partners. He finds it helpful to run with a group of friends. "That's because there are days I do not want to run but I want to see my friends, so I go," said Brian. Diet and all around nutrition is very important. "Eat breakfast," emphasizes Brian. Alison notes that runners need to eat a balanced diet of protein, fresh fruits and vegetables. "Not only will it help with weight, it will help you recover after a workout," she explained. Race or test day preparation is important and day of the event preparation is key Brian maintains. "One needs to be hydrated starting the day before the day of the race, consuming about eight ounces of liquid an hour is recommended," said Brian. Proper stretching during warm-up doesn't just include static stretches. Alison demonstrated and then led the group through a series of "active" stretching exercises. Having the proper running gear in good condition is also key, they note. "Running shoes are only good for about 300 miles depending on your intensity," said Brian. "I usually get five to six months of wear out of mine." "And don't get the cheapest running shoes on the shelf," he emphasized.