
301 FW 2010 CGO of the Year

Maj. James Dickey, center, accepts the 301st Fighter Wing's 2010 Company Grade Officer of the Year Award on behalf of Capt. Charles Delongchamp III, who was deployed the night of Feb. 19 at the wing's annual awards banquet, held at the Fort Worth, Texas, Hilton. Presenting the award is Brig. Gen. Ronald B. Miller, 301 FW commander, left; and Command Chief Master Sgt. Elroy Combs, Jr. Captain Delongchamp and Major Dickey are from the 301st Logistics Readiness Squadron. The wing's Chiefs' Group planned and carried out the event, which saw six award winners cross the stage. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Chris Bolen)

PHOTO BY: Unknown
VIRIN: 110219-F-1756B-0092.JPG
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