
  • PTSD: A Tyndall Airman's Story

    Lenhardt, 325th Fighter Wing Public Affairs noncommissioned officer in charge of media operations at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, had never experienced combat but his job as a military photographer and journalist tasked him with documenting several fatal incidents within his 14 years of service.

  • PTSD treatment confronts the trauma behind the disorder

    Post-traumatic stress disorder is considered one of the “signature wounds” of the current conflicts in the Middle East. But many people may not know that there are highly effective treatments for this invisible wound being deployed at Air Force hospitals and clinics today. It’s normal to feel

  • Managing Mental Health over the Holidays

    Holidays are a time when families come together to eat good food and spend quality time. They also can be a time of stress whether you are worried about having enough money, hosting the largest family get-together of the year, or traveling long distances.