
  • Air University opens new Civilian Leadership Development School

    The Civilian Leadership Development School officially activated as a named activity within the Ira C. Eaker Center for Leadership Development at Air University on March 2, 2022, accelerating the focus on civilian-centric professional education across the Air Force.

  • Department of the Air Force launches myEval in 2022

    Beginning January 2022, the Department of the Air Force will launch a new enlisted and officer evaluation system application, myEvaluation, to further support ongoing IT and talent management transformations for Total Force Airmen and Guardians.

  • Air Force announces Airmen leadership qualities

    The Airman leadership qualities are expected to form the basis for the future officer and enlisted performance reporting systems. The alignment between evaluating units and evaluating Airmen is intended to further emphasize and accelerate an understanding and adoption of the associated leadership

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