
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline hotline launches 9-8-8

    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline hotline is launching a new quick-dial option nationwide starting July 16.Anyone located within the United States can call or text 9-8-8 any time of day, seven days a week to receive support for suicidal, mental health, and substance use crisis. The line will

  • 10th Air Force holds annual commanders and command chiefs conference

    The 10th Air Force held their annual commanders and command chiefs management and leadership review in Fort Worth, Texas, June 20-23.During the event, Maj. Gen. Bryan P. Radliff, 10th Air Force commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Christopher S. Bluto, 10th Air Force command chief, addressed senior

  • PTSD: A Tyndall Airman's Story

    Lenhardt, 325th Fighter Wing Public Affairs noncommissioned officer in charge of media operations at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, had never experienced combat but his job as a military photographer and journalist tasked him with documenting several fatal incidents within his 14 years of service.

  • Air Force selects future aircrew helmet

    The Air Force selected LIFT Airborne Technologies in April to continue with prototype development of a new helmet for Air Force fixed-wing aircrew. Air Combat Command initiated the search for a next-generation helmet to address issues with long-term neck and back injuries, optimize aircraft

  • 24th Fighter Squadron welcomes new commander

    Lt. Col. Michael Chebino took command of the 24th Fighter Squadron from Lt. Col. Ryan Busbey during a change of command ceremony at the 301st Fighter Wing Maintenance Hangar, June 16.

  • Airbags can save your life

    In fiscal year 2021, The Department of the Air Force lost 18 motorcyclists. Inexperience, alcohol and speed were a few of the root causes of those deaths. Additionally, motorcycle riders continue to be overrepresented in fatal traffic crashes, being about 28 times more likely than passenger vehicle

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