Oct. 18, 2017 Blended Retirement System Opt-In training now available to all Airmen The Defense Department will implement the new Blended Retirement System next year. While no one needs to make a decision until Jan. 1, 2018, all Airmen should take advantage of training and informational resources to research their options during the remainder of 2017.
Aug. 4, 2017 Air Force to radically reduce instructions Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson announced the Air Force will rescind, review and rewrite the more than 1,300 Air Force Instructions over the next 24 months in order to allow greater flexibility and mission focus.
Aug. 3, 2017 Air Force senior leaders unveil new priorities In a recent letter to the Total Force, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright released their new priorities and addressed issues Airmen face day to day.
July 20, 2017 AF announces Enlisted Professional Military Education redesign Air Force officials announced major changes to the enlisted professional military education program today via an initiative called Enlisted Professional Military Education for the 21st Century, or “EPME 21.”
June 19, 2017 Wilson discusses importance of communities at Defense Communities Summit Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson spoke about the important role communities play in supporting the Air Force mission at the 2017 Defense Communities National Summit June 19 in Washington, D.C.
March 3, 2017 Disbrow delivers State of the AF Acting Secretary of the Air Force Lisa S. Disbrow addressed current and future issues, and talked about some of the occasions the Air Force has to look forward to in 2017 during the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida, March 3.
Oct. 31, 2016 AF takes initial steps to reduce training unrelated to primary missions The Air Force plans to reduce training not related to Airmen’s primary jobs in order to address concerns that excessive and non-mission related demands are impacting Airmen’s ability to focus on and accomplish their core duties, officials announced Oct. 31.
May 5, 2016 Air Force report on sexual assault highlights program's progress Air Force reports of sexual assault decreased slightly in fiscal year 2015, while reporting by male victims increased according to the service’s annual report on sexual assault released May 5.