
  • 301 FW Enlisted Promotions June 2022

    301 FW with great pleasure, we announce the enlisted promotions for June 2022. These warriors continue to strive, lead and demonstrate the commitment of true Reserve Citizen Airmen! Congratulations to all of our newest promoters.

  • Is Your DEERS Information Up to Date?

    When is the last time you checked to see if your information in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, or DEERS, is up to date? If it’s been a while, take time to log in to DEERS and review your information. Keeping information on you and your family current in DEERS is important.

  • Did You Know that January is Human Trafficking Awareness/Prevention Month?

    Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons (TIP) is a form of modern day slavery.  It is defined as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of threat, use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse or exploitation.   The Air Force

  • Combat Aviation Advisors participate in airdrop competition

    The luxury of readily available gear and resources is not always a reality for Combat Aviation Advisors working with partner nations in remote locations. These unique situations have led CAAs to find innovative ways to help partner nations accomplish their missions with resources and budgets that

  • CMSAF 19 visits 301 FW, inspires Reserve Citizen Airmen

    Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass spoke at an All-Call Event with members of the 301st Fighter Wing, Nov. 6, 2021. She and Chief Master Sgt. Mike Perry, Air Force first sergeant special duty manager, took time out of their schedule to speak to and interact with the Reserve Citizen

  • Scobee discusses leveraging legacy to forge the future

    Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee focused on three facets of the Air Force Reserve legacy during his keynote speech at the 53rd Airlift/Tanker Association Annual Convention, Symposium and Technology Exposition today in Orlando, Florida.

  • SrA Matthew Kunko saved lives, resources

    Detecting a burning smell and hearing crackling sounds after starting one of the 301st Fighter Wing Logistic Readiness Squadron's fuel delivery trucks, Senior Airman Matthew Kunko sprung into action to avert a disaster.

  • Religious Accommodation Requests: What to Expect

    For Airmen seeking a religious accommodation request, chaplains play a critical role in ensuring each request is fully considered in accordance with DAFI 52-201, Religious Freedom in the Department of the Air Force.