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  • Angel Tree helps sustain spirit of giving

    This season will soon be here for the Angel Tree project. For those who are not familiar with this event, this special project's goal is to provide gifts to the 301st families who may need "a little help" this Christmas. In the 301st Fighter Wing's headquarters front hallway, Bldg. 1654, cards will

  • Use your voice to make a difference in matters that count

    Do you want to know what issues the Senators are voting on or how they voted on a certain Bill? Do you want the military reserve retirement age reduced; better dental and medical benefits; environmental concerns; local government issues? Well, here's how it works. First, I must warn you that writing

  • Path to greatness remains with you

    Each Unit Training Assembly, the training requirements that greets each Airmen seems never to diminish but, instead, continues to increase. From fitness training to countless computer-based training modules, when is there ever time for an Airman to become proficient in the craft the Air Force has

  • Getting to know the vice commander: where the rubber meets the road

    Editor's Note: This is a post contingency deployment interview with Col. Robert "Mort" Mortensen, 301st Fighter Wing vice commander, at Naval Air Station Fort Worth, Joint Reserve Base Carswell Field, Texas. The interview was conducted by Tech. Sgt. John Snowman, 301st Fighter Wing historian, on

  • Overcome life's obstacles, take charge of yourself

    Being in the military, we, as Airman, have faced some sort of obstacle course, whether in basic training, or just having fun. An obstacle course is a series of challenging physical obstacles an individual or team must navigate usually while being timed. They are used as a way to familiarize recruits

  • Keep wing competitive for the future

    Where do you see yourself in the year 2016? Will you still be a 301 FW member or will you have moved on or retired by then? What vision do you see for the future of the wing and AFRC? Did you know the future of the 301 FW is in yours and my hands? Where we will be in 2016 has a lot to do with what

  • 301st Maintenance reorganization involves transformation

    When I was asked to write an article for this month's Fighter Line I was given a suggested topic of the upcoming reorganization. The timing to talk about this is perfect since Chief of Staff Air Force General Michael Moseley just released the Global Wing Organizational Structure, Program Action

  • Do you lead with integrity

    We are all educated about the many leadership methods and programs such as books, the academies, and seminars that are available. The best lessons on leadership are based on experience. However, observing another's experience can provide us valuable lessons. There's a common thread in leadership

  • Memorial Day: a day to remember

    The month of May brings a slew of holidays. There is Mothers Day, Mother Goose Day, Cinco de Mayo, Armed Forces Day, and Memorial Day; to name a few. All these holidays deserve recognition, each in their own right, but Memorial Day brings with it a lot of memories and emotions. Memorial Day is a day

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